White Papers | UV Measurement | Featured | Mar 20, 2019

WHITE PAPER: Measuring UVA & Violet LED Light Sources

As the development of new UV LED sources continues at an ever-growing pace, so do the industrial applications that utilize them. UV LEDs are being put to work in various industrial processes, medical applications, and disinfection solutions. Efficient utilization of the UV radiation requires good measurement tools. However, accurate light measurement in this spectral range presents challenges, such as how to accurately measure the irradiance if the wavelength of the light is not exactly known.

This whitepaper discusses the key considerations in the fields of:

  • Irradiance measurement
  • Irradiance uniformity mapping
  • Dosage measurement of a static or moving source

It introduces a new irradiance sensor that allows the user to measure light sources
without knowing much about their spectra and also supports simultaneous
measurement of different light sources (e.g., LEDs with different peak wavelengths and bandwidths).


Measuring Broadband UVA and Violet LED Light Sources for Industrial and Medical Applications"

Authors: Assaf Halevy, Efi Rotem, and Simon Rankel


Provided by mks | Ophir, Germany
White Paper Sponsor


Supported by LED professional (c) 2021
The global information hub for lighting technologies.
