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WHITE PAPER: Using LEDs With Onboard Thermistors

The Luminus white paper on “Thermal Management Using Thermistors in LEDs” provides an in-depth analysis of thermal resistance and thermal feedback mechanisms for LED systems. High-power LED packages from Luminus integrate thermistors, which function as temperature sensors to prevent overheating and ensure efficient power delivery through a method known as thermal foldback.

The document explains key parameters like thermal resistance (Rth-jc) and the LED-to-thermistor characterization parameter (Rth-jref), which are crucial for thermal management.

The paper details the calibration procedures for LEDs to determine junction temperatures (Tj) using the K-factor, derived from voltage and temperature measurements. It also covers testing and measurement techniques, such as the Transient Dual Interface Measurement (TDIM) method, to evaluate LED thermal performance.

Additionally, the white paper discusses thermistor usage, specifically Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistors, highlighting their role in providing feedback for thermal control in LED applications. The integration of these components allows for enhanced thermal management, improving the performance and longevity of LED systems in various applications.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Thermal Management in LEDs
  • Key Thermal Parameters for LEDs
  • Calibration Procedure for LED Junction Temperature
  • Thermal Measurement and Testing Techniques
  • Thermistors and Feedback Control

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Using LEDs With Onboard Thermistors

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Author: Paul Sims

Created: October 2024
Sponsored by: LUMINUS Devices, Inc.
Pages: 16, Copyrights 2024


© 2024 Luger Research e.U. – Institute for Innovation & Technology
