EPBD | LightingEurope | Business | Jun 30, 2024

No EPBD implementation without Lighting

LightingEurope published two position papers on lighting in the EPBD.

“The revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) represents a significant step towards reducing the carbon footprint of the building sector and enhancing indoor spaces across the European Union. The benefits of quality lighting are clear, and the necessary lighting products are already available. By mandating that no renovation occurs without upgrading the lighting installation, we can seize this opportunity and ensure we do not waste it”, says Elena Scaroni, Secretary General of LightingEurope. Member states are tasked with implementing the directive into national law. To support this process, LightingEurope has published two position papers highlighting the crucial role of lighting in achieving the directive's objectives. 

Lighting as part of renovation. Promoting renovation and energy efficiency is central to the EPBD. Lighting can provide energy-efficient solutions, such as LED luminaires and lighting control systems, which significantly contribute to energy savings and reduce building operation costs. Beyond energy efficiency, selecting the appropriate lighting solution for each environment can enhance productivity, safety, and create pleasant indoor spaces. “The EU member states must recognize the importance of lighting in the renovation of Europe’s buildings. In particular, public and commercial buildings must lead by example and utilize the full potential of LED luminaires in tandem with lighting controls and sensors. The time to act is now and we should not settle for the bare minimum”, says Marion Ebel, Director of Corporate Affairs.

Lighting as part of Indoor Environmental Quality. With renovation taking center stage in the EPBD, Indoor Environmental Quality is at risk of falling by the wayside. However, IEQ must not be treated as a secondary concern, as good quality indoor spaces can impact a building occupant’s productivity, creativity, and wellbeing.

The inclusion of IEQ in the EPBD has the potential to significantly enhance the quality of indoor spaces. “The EPBD implementation must not disregard IEQ but rather consider it on par with any provisions on energy efficiency. Buildings are built for people and IEQ is the key contributor to making buildings people friendly. We urge member states to adopt a broad definition of IEQ to adequately reflect the wide range of factors contributing to good indoor spaces”, adds Simon Wessels, Policy Officer.

For more information:
Position Paper – EPBD implementation – Indoor Environmental Quality
Position Paper – EPBD implementation - Renovation

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