Events | LpS Digital Summit | LpS Digital Awards | AI | Aug 11, 2023

LpS Digital Summit to Host the Inaugural AI-Curated LpS Digital Awards

The LpS Digital Summit, renowned for its commitment to innovation in the lighting sector, is set to make history with the introduction of the first-ever AI-Curated LpS Digital Awards. This groundbreaking initiative will be a highlight of the LpS Digital Summit 2023, scheduled for December 7.

The LpS Digital Awards, now powered by state-of-the-art AI models, promises an unbiased and meticulous evaluation of entries, setting a new standard in award recognition. Entries will be assessed by AI Judges, specifically directed to evaluate based on Innovation, Market Dynamics, and Technological Advancements.

Winners will not only receive the prestigious LpS Digital Awards Certificate but will also be celebrated for having their products evaluated by the pinnacle of AI technology, ensuring a verdict that's both independent and unparalleled.

The LpS Digital Summit 2023, set to unfold on December 7, will be a confluence of industry and research giants, offering attendees a deep dive into the forefront of lighting innovations. Esteemed panels will unravel cutting-edge trends shaping the future of lighting, making it an unmissable event for industry professionals and enthusiasts.

Victors of the LpS Digital Awards will be heralded at the Summit, with accolades showcased on platforms like LED professional and Trends in Lighting. Furthermore, winners will be granted the esteemed opportunity to deliver a featured talk, amplifying their voice to a vast audience of 45,000+ industry contacts.

"In the dynamic landscape of innovation, it's not enough to simply recognize brilliance; we must challenge it. With our AI-curated awards, applicants don't just seek recognition — they have the unique opportunity to stress-test their innovations on the AI bench, ensuring that their creations aren't just novel, but resilient and future-ready."
–– Siegfried Luger, Organizer and Head of Luger Research e.U.

The combination of the LpS Digital Summit and the AI-Curated LpS Digital Awards marks a revolutionary step in the lighting industry, merging technological advancements with industry recognition.

Unlocking Excellence: 5 Compelling Reasons to Apply for the AI-Curated Awards

  1. Objective Recognition: The AI-curated awards ensure a bias-free evaluation, offering a transparent and fair recognition process that purely focuses on the merit of the innovation.

  2. Stress-Test Innovations: Beyond mere recognition, applicants have the unique opportunity to stress-test their innovations on the AI bench, validating their creations against rigorous, machine-driven criteria.

  3. Position as Industry Leaders: Being recognized by an AI-curated award positions an organization as forward-thinking and adaptive to modern technological advancements, enhancing its reputation in the industry.

  4. Valuable Feedback: The AI-driven evaluation process can provide detailed insights and analytics, offering invaluable feedback that can guide further refinement and development of their innovations.

  5. Broadened Exposure: Given the novelty and intrigue surrounding AI-curated awards, participating organizations can expect heightened media attention and exposure, amplifying their reach to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders.

Applying for the AI-curated awards not only offers a chance for recognition but also provides a platform for organizations to validate, refine, and showcase their innovations to a wider audience.

For more information about the LpS Digital Summit 2023 and the LpS Digital Awards, visit Summit or Awards or

More information about the

Application Form

Partner with the Future: Sponsor AI-Curated Excellence:
Seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of AI innovation by sponsoring the award or the event. As we venture into the realm of AI-curated recognitions, we offer a plethora of dynamic collaboration avenues tailored to maximize impact. For award entrants, unique AI-driven partnership horizons await. Reach out to us and let's craft a partnership that not only resonates but also pioneers the future of AI in recognition and success. or

About Luger Research e.U.

Luger Research e.U., the organizer of the LpS Digital Summit, is a leading name in the lighting sector. As the publisher of platforms like LED professional, Trends in Lighting, and the Global Lighting Directory, they connect with more than 45,000 industry professionals, driving innovation and excellence in the field.

© 2023 Luger Research e.U. – Institute for Innovation & Technology
