LightingEurope Publishes a Guidance on the Use of Standards in Products
The document gives precious guidance and information to manufacturers on the use of standards (EN, harmonized EN, OJEU listed harmonized EN and non-EN standards) in Europe and in the United Kingdom when preparing the Declaration of Conformity. This document outlines all the different options available to manufacturers, leaving it up to them to choose which option to follow.
Why is a Guidance paper needed?
The harmonisation process has become increasingly complex and has slowed down. Many standards are being published without listing in the OJEU (and also in UK designated standards lists). However, these not listed standards do not provide the formal legal presumption of conformity attributed to harmonised standards. Currently there is also significant misalignment between the ‘overlap dates’ detailed in the standards (DOP; DOW) and the corresponding listing/delisting dates used for the OJEU and UK Designated listings.
This causes confusion in the market for both manufacturers and customers who now have uncertainty as to which versions of standards they should follow, which should be used for third party certifications (e.g. ENEC, national approval marks), and which should be shown in the EU and UKCA declarations of the manufactures or importers.
Main focus of the paper
The paper mainly focuses on Directives using Module A (Internal production control) where the manufacturer can declare the compliance with the essential requirements by using harmonized standards or other publications following their own risk assessment (i.e., EMC, LVD, RED).
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